Renewal of collective agreement

Good news for industry insiders Goldsmith, silversmith and jewellery industry: the hypothesis of agreement has been signed for the renewal of their collective agreement. According to Federorafi President:’ the agreement is an important first step toward a new relationship and modern labor relations. The hypothesis of the agreement recognizes the necessary guarantees wages to workers and introduces for the first time on welfare in the system of contract ‘.According to reports from the official press release of Confindustria Federorafi the new NATIONAL CONTRACT will result in:

Contract expires 30 June 2020;
Starting from 2017 recognition of ex post year-over-year inflation and no longer ex ante. Salary increases will be effective from the month of June of each year;
Will be guaranteed contractual minimums that will form the basis of calculation that you want to apply salary adjustments, and thus overcome the value point and all forms of conventional remuneration;
Recognition of integrative health care free of charge to all employees and members of their families (even living together in fact) since April of 2018;
Strengthening of supplementary business contribution to the Fund from the Comet carrying 1.2% to 1.6% of salary commencing from April 2018;
Payment by way of a fee of 80 euro gross with the remuneration relating to the October 2017;
Introduction of corporate welfare: 100 euros from January 2018, 150 Euros in June 2019 and 2020 in June 200 Euro;
Individual right to vocational training for 24 hours 2/3 paid by the company in the period June 2017/June 2020 for employees not involved in training plans with a corporate contribution up to a maximum of 300 Euros;
Unified discipline about the grace period for all qualifications;
Simplification of the rules on periodic increases in retirement and other parts regulations addressing the needs of workers and organizational needs of enterprises (Act 104, parental leave, etc.);
Introduction of a specific discipline of working time for workers who work in shops, showrooms and at our stores or engaged in business exhibitions that distributes the weekly working time on all opening days business.The hypothesis of the agreement will be subject to consultation on the part of OO.SS.