Scuola d’Arte e Mestieri, forge of new talents in the goldsmith art

The students of the Vicenza Institute created three exclusive jewels for
Fair Line
Forming new professionals in the goldsmith art. This is the mission of Scuola d’Arte e Mestieri in
Vicenza, part of Fondazione centro Produttività Veneto (CPV), that along with its training courses
also organizes biennial courses for young students who graduate from secondary school, teaching
them to translate ideas into practice and putting them in direct touch with the working
environment. “The relationship with the local companies is fundamental to create a network
model between schools, companies and institutions, starting from category associations”, explains
professor Barato, teacher of fired enamel decoration and metal modelling, and responsible for the
The training course provides students with knowledge of the production chain and a solid basic
preparation in the different technical areas of the gold field, from the jewel’s design to its
prototyping, up to its production. Students are taught the competencies needed in the gold
industry. "85% of the newly graduates have already been hired by gold companies, that are in
great need of generational change", highlights Barato. The courses of the Scuola d’Arte e Mestieri
are very popular among new jewelry talents coming from all over Italy, also thanks to the school-
work bond with well-established companies of the Vicenza gold district.

This is the case of Fair Line company, which collaborated with five students from the 2017-2018
two-year period for the creation of original products. “Gabriella Centomo and I – says Barato – are
in a close relationship that has lasted for many years and that will certainly continue to grow in the
future. In line with us, she too has always supported the idea that school must form students for
the work world". At the end of the course, students present their project, carried out according to
Fairline’s indications. The company has supported the students from the sketch to the 3D design,
up to the modeling, under the coordination of designer Beatriz Biagi from Milan.
The result of such work are 3 sets (necklace, bracelet, and earrings), designed by Alessia Barbuglia,
Angelica Cocco and Giorgia Bernardi, that will be presented by Fair Line in the next jewelry shows.
“In our company – explains Gabriella Centomo, CEO of Fair Line – there is always great sensitivity
for young talents who know how to interpret the new trends, understanding the market needs. On
our behalf, we try to give visibility to their work and to their creativity, as was the case of these
three girls, who are really talented. It is not a case that all three found work immediately after the
end of their training at the Scuola d’Arte e Mestieri”.