The headquarters of the Scuola Orafa Ambrosiana were officially inaugurated in November 2018 in via Tortona – Milan.
Located in the heart of the district which is synonymous with creativity and experimentation, the new Headquarters will excel in education and training, bringing significant attention to the contemporary market’s demands. The school will offer 20 Courses, among which Gold, High Jewelry, Jewel Repair, Stone Setting, Jewels’ Design, Cantilever and Chisel, and Gemology.
VJ – Vicenza Jewellery’s issue of September 2018 dedicated a special service to the Scuola Orafa Ambrosiana: “Practical courses for everyone”. Click here to read it!
“The opening of the School in via Tortona has marked an important milestone – states Guido Solari, director of the Scuola Orafa Ambrosiana. The next step will be directing this school towards high technology, reaching in this way excellence in terms of product quality and responding, with respect to training, to the requests of the most important “maisons” we collaborate with”.
The via Savona’s branch of the Scuola Orafa Ambrosiana has therefore become SOA lab & factory: a gold laboratory equipped with showrooms, a shooting and co-design space, a reception area for clients, fitted out with last generation equipment, managed by students and ex-students, who can have access to it 365 days a year, 24 hours a day.
![SOA, una creazione della scuola orafa](